Tell that Venus de Milo hussy to put on some clothes!
Ms. McGee, 51, a popular art teacher with 28 years in the classroom, is out of a job after leading her fifth-grade classes last April through the Dallas Museum of Art. One of her students saw nude art in the museum, and after the child’s parent complained, the teacher was suspended. Although the tour had been approved by the principal, and the 89 students were accompanied by 4 other teachers, at least 12 parents and a museum docent, Ms. McGee said, she was called to the principal the next day and “bashed.”
This is outrageous. This, in part, is what turned me so off to teaching in the first place. The fact that an art teacher can get approval to take her students to the distinguished Dallas Museum of Art with 4 other teachers, 12 parents, and a museum docent... and then can be suspended from her teaching job and "bashed" by her superiors because... what, a parent found fine art offensive? Nudity offensive? Does this parent also cover the mirrors inside the bathroom so the child won't catch a glimpse?
Bitter sarcasm aside, this article presents a very startling issue. It seems like all the cards were in place. There were other teacher and parent chaperones. I assume with such a large group there was information sent home, permission slips sent in. Rationally, there was simply no way that a parent could not know that an art museum might feature nudity. And even so, with logic on her side, along with parent approval (except for one), and other teachers present... one parent complains and she looses her job almost instantly. This is unacceptable treatment of teachers everywhere.
The voice of the majority must not be tyrannized... but it certainly should not be elevated to the status of a tyrant itself.
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